Hammer simulator roblox hack / script inf coins click here to get the script. Fishing simulator roblox hack / script. Roblox Vehicle Simulator Speed GUI. VEIHCLE SIMULATOR SPEED HACK. TPPlayerToCarButton.Text = 'TP player to car'.
Jun 17th, 2018
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- loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://pastebin.com/raw/0u5zXZkc', true))()
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- function getvehicle()
- for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()) do
- if v.owner.Value plr.Name then
- end
- end
- end
- if t then
- h.Text = txt
- h:remove()
- local h = Instance.new('Hint',plr.PlayerGui)
- wait(2)
- end
- if msg:lower():sub(1,10) '/e toggle:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- if ins 'infnitro' then
- inftoggle = false
- else
- hint('(+)Enabled Infinite Nitro!(+)')
- end
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e nitrospeed:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Handling.Nitro.NitroSpeed.Value = tonumber(num)
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e stop' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Chassis.VehicleSeat.Anchored = true
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,14) '/e nitroforce:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Handling.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = tonumber(num)
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,12) '/e maxspeed:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Handling.MaxSpeed.Value = tonumber(num)
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,10) '/e torque:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Handling.Torque.Value = tonumber(num)
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,12) '/e friction:' then
- local vehicle = getvehicle()
- vehicle.Handling.FrictionOffroad.Value = tonumber(num)
- vehicle.Handling.FrictionRoad.Value = tonumber(num)
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- elseif msg:lower():sub(1,13) '/e racingmode' then
- if vehicle then
- han.MaxSpeed.Value = 10000
- han.SteeringRadiusConstant.Value = 12000
- han.FrictionRoad.Value = 200
- han.Nitro.NitroForce.Value = 8000
- inftoggle = true
- hint('(-)You do not have a vehicle spawned!(-)')
- end
- wait(0.5)
- wait(0.02)
- if vehicle then
- end
RAW Paste Data
Aug 15th, 2015
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Roblox Vehicle Simulator Money Script
- --- Put this in a normal script in the Workspace
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)
- leaderstats.Parent = player
- car.Parent = player.leaderstats
- car.Name ='Car'
Vehicle Simulator Script Roblox
RAW Paste Data